Course curriculum

    1. Web Browser and Technical Support (2 mins)

    2. Land Acknowledgement (1 min)

    3. Mission, Vision, Values and Philosophy (1 min)

    1. Intrauterine Tamponade Non-Obstetrical Clinical Procedure: CS-CP-0046 (2 min)

    2. Learning Objectives (3 min)

    3. Purpose (1 min)

    4. Rationale (2 min)

    5. Advantages and Disadvantages (3 min)

    6. Contraindications (1 min)

    7. Monitoring (3 min)

    8. Care After Removal (2 min)

    9. Patient Education (3 min)

    10. Assessment and Monitoring of Post Operative Bleeding: Signs and Symptoms of Hemorrhage (1 min)

    11. Hypovolemic Shock (5 min)

    12. Signs of Hypovolemic Shock (8 min)

    13. Nursing Interventions When Suspect Hemorrhage (1 min)

    14. Treatment of Hemorrhage (2 min)

    15. Intrauterine Tamponade Quiz: Non- Obstetrical (10 min)

    16. Questions About This Learning Module?

    1. Module Evaluation (2 mins)

    2. Certificate of Completion (1 min)

    3. Thank You (1 min)

    4. Completion of Uterine Tamponade Non-Obstetrical Learning Module (1 min)

About this course

  • Free
  • 23 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content